Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

We went a little bit of everywhere for Christmas! We started off on the 22nd at my mom's, crossed the street the next morning to my sister's, then on the 24th we ate lunch with Steve's parents....the 25th was spent at our house, since Santa visited! Jesse and Myah had a great day and seemed to love their presents!

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Myah's First Christmas Program

This was the same night as her first Tae Kwon Do testing! What a busy night! Myah was soooo cute in the program! I am just sorry that I was the only one in the family to see it! Steve was with Jesse while he was doing his testing for his green belt! But she beamed up there and did a great job, anyway! (See the Tae Kwon Do pictures below!)

Monday, December 24, 2007

Tae Kwon Do Testing Dec. 20th, 2007

This was a busy night for us! Myah had her firsts! Myah's first Tae Kwon Do testing and her first school program....both on the same night! So we had some camera issues! Steve had our old camera at the testing...sorry some pictures are fuzzy! While Jesse was testing, Myah did her program then we raced to a different town (Neoga to Effingham) to do her testing, too. Jesse and Myah passed with flying colors ;-) Jesse is now sparring (fighting) and he LOVES that! It is so neat to see them enjoy something and learn at the same time! I believe this is something important for them to be involved in! I'm so proud of BOTH of them!

Sunday, December 16, 2007